We arrived a few minutes early at our Chico stop, coming through town you could tell it had a lot of character, has the feeling of home. This town also hold the secret of a missing woman Heidi Ring who vanished a number of years ago, not a word, sighting, she just vanished. Her story is like hundreds across America, people disappear and no clues or information obtainable left behind. These cases are normally the hardest to solve, their is no jump off point or maybe there was and it was not found in time due to she is an adult. Most people do not take missing adults seriously until something develops to prove foul play or a crime has taken place, sad but it is the reality of it all.
The park where the rally stop is taking place is so very large, runs in a circle and filled with tall aged trees with a beautiful hidden shallow creek that flows in it's length. It was the perfect spot, very open to the street and traffic but really a place of serenity. People were busy as bees preparing items for the stop and Heidi's mom greeting each person as they arrive and making them feel extra special. We added our set up to their's and more arrived including the press, so the program began. People spoke including law enforcement, it was plain to see everyone cared and wanted her home, then two different prayers were offered up, it was a very nice tribute.
I so looked forward to the walk to this creek, but first we wrote messages with washable markers on the leaves that the family had prepared in advance. I love the many ideas loved ones of the missing come up with to honor their missing person, I thought about that when I wrote my message. I walked out as far as I could on the rocks to send my message, really to get away from the crowd so I could send my own prayer out with it, dropping seven leafs. I secretly put additional messages out for each person on the tour and gave thanks for them in my life, for taking part in the tour; for Harlan to be afforded a resolution, Lisa to get her justice and for Elisa to always find peace and to keep healing her heart.
Everyone had their own send offs and it was weird how most found a spot of comfort, in the distance I even heard some speaking words out loud.
I found myself wondering as I always do, why? Why must these innocent families who did nothing to deserve this pain be forced to endure year after year seeking a resolve. See families never move on like one thinks they should, I mean how do you forget your child, sibling, parents, friend, relative? If each of us stopped for five minutes and really would give that a thought, well I guess most will not. My point being you cannot forget about a true love, give up on love, nor can you ignore the loss of love, so that would be your answer...the missing are loved!
As we said our goodbye, Heidi's mother whispered in my ear, I had to laugh....she is a hoot. We left with a peaceful heart, knowing with there faith they will endure and wait, I know I will do more to help and I will always hold dear this stop and my walk to this creek. Driving away I think about all the little extra things that were hand made and given to us as departure gifts, the thought and time that went into it, it made me smile.
Monica Caison
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